Land Ethic Research and Application Center Established by ASLE Member in Turkey

UfukOzdagASLE member Ufuk Özdağ has recently established Land Ethic Research and Application Center at her home institution, Hacettepe University, Ankara (Turkey) and was appointed the Director of the Center on November 5, 2014. Ufuk had attended Aldo Leopold Foundation’s LEL program back in 2010, and had become a land ethic leader. Under Ufuk’s direction the Center will work internationally to enhance a culture that puts Leopold’s vision of a land ethic at the core of decision making. Ufuk is the author of Literature and the Land Ethic: Leopoldian Thought in American Nature Writing (2005) and Introduction to Environmental Criticism: Nature, Culture, Literature (2014)—both in Turkish; co-editor of The Future of Ecocriticism: New Horizons (2011), and the translator of A Sand County Almanac into Turkish (Bir Kum Yöresi Almanağı 2013).  Read more in the latest issue of the Aldo Leopold Foundation Newsletter.