
February 27, 2021

ASLE 2021 Panel “Object Lessons: Teaching Ecocriticism via Visual Culture”

ASLE Virtual Conference 2021 Panel

Sponsored by the Ecocritical Visual Culture ASLE Interest Group

A lightning-round session in which 6-8 panelists will share ONE image/object and in a short (5-10 minute) presentation, explain how exploring this image/object in the classroom can introduce students to ecocriticism and facilitate its use as an analytical tool. The presentations will be followed by a round-robin discussion and Q & A, in which panelists will talk about their experiences using images as ‘object lessons,’ and/or other innovative ways that visual ...

Call for Book Proposals: Environment and Religion

Call for Book Proposals: Environment and Religion deadline for submissions: June 1, 2021

full name / name of organization: Series Editor: Gabrie’l J. Atchison, Ph.D., Lexington Books – ; Acquisitions Editor: Kasey Beduhn, contact email:

Environment and Religion in Feminist-Womanist, Queer, and Indigenous Perspectives Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group

This series aims to publish scholarly monographs with limited or no previously published material which explores the subject of ecofeminism from feminist-womanist, queer, and indigenous perspectives. The governing assumption of the series is that ecofeminism ...

ASLE 2021 Panel: Speculative Extinctions: Imagining Environmental Existential Risks

Deadline extended to March 26, 2021

In the spring of 1796, the French comparative anatomist Georges Cuvier delivered a lecture in Paris that would shake the foundations of Western science, and ultimately, Western culture: he proved, through anatomical comparison with elephants, that two species—the mammoth and mastodon—had disappeared from the surface of the Earth. Although Cuvier was not the first naturalist to propose that species extinction was theoretically possible, he was the first to definitively prove that extinction had already happened, and his discovery ...

ASLE 2021: Storytelling for Interspecies Empathy – A Panel on Deliberative Pedagogies

Deadline extended to March 26, 2021

Narrative, like science, empathy, and anger, can be conceived of as a powerful but amoral tool that may be used for a wide range of means and ends. Many educators, with varying degrees of success, use stories to teach or nurture compassion for nonhuman animals. Stories for children, videos for adolescents, books and movies for adults, whatever the media the focus for this panel is on compelling storytelling, framed by educators who are deliberately employing the narrative(s) to ...