The Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment – JILE/RILE

Deadline: March 30, 2020
Contact: Zelia Bora

Upcoming Special Issue of RILE (ASLE-Brasil): Postcolonial Ecocriticism

The Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment – JILE/RILE (Revista Interdisciplinar de Literatura e Ecocrítica) is an interdisciplinary journal of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE-Brazil).Its main objective is to promote humanistic dialogues on environmental issues. The Journal publishes research articles, interviews, artistic works on literature, history, politics, and art, whose focus is local and subjects involving Brazil, Latin America, Caribe, Asia and Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Postcolonial Ecocriticism

General Editor: Zelia M. Bora

Guest Editor: Animesh Roy, St. Xavier’s College, Simdega, India.

Deadline for submission: March 30th , 2020

Though postcolonialism and ecocriticism are often fraught with tensions the relationship between them has seldom been broached. While postcolonialism is primarily seen to be anthropocentric, chiefly concerned with social justice with focus on issues of hybridity and displacement, ecocriticism is mostly understood as earth-centric dealing with nonhuman issues of the centrality of nature, animal rights and emphasising a focus on issues of natural purity and belonging. Ecocriticism which began in the US in the 1980s almost as a reaction to the centrality of human paraphernalia in literary and cultural representations and tried to envisage a new hermeneutical approach by rather redirecting our focus toward the representations of environment in literature and culture, its understanding of the environment was a bit skewed as it focused mainly on issues of North America and Western Europe. Issues of the environment from the margins i.e. the postcolonial countries hardly found a place of interpretation within such discourses. Postcolonial ecocriticism is writing back against this assumed, egalitarian, and normative approach of ecocriticism that often fails to appreciate the environmental realities of the postcolonial landscapes. Postcolonial thinkers and activists point out that literature from postcolonial countries has been arguing for the cause of the environment long before ecocriticism as a distinct field got recognised in the academia. Moreover, issues of the environment in the postcolonial countries are often so different from issues of the environment in the West that it needs to be understood separately and through a different epistemic lens. This is where a mutual engagement between postcolonialism and ecocriticism becomes handy. Postcolonial ecocriticism attempts to exhume the often unheard environmental narratives from the margins that got suppressed as a result of the West’s obsession for a parochial understanding of nature which imagines nature as pristine and unscarred. By focusing on the interface between literature and postcolonial environments, this volume will seek to delve on a rather cosmopolitan way of approaching ecocritical discourses to address the intellectual challenge, thereby drawing on the strengths of bioregionalism without succumbing to ecoparochialism, toward a transnational ethic of place. This issue will expect to look at texts from postcolonial experiences in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Caribe and others to explore the environmental voices from the margins

Text format:

1. Essays should be 7000-9000 words long, including all quotations and bibliographic references, and should follow.

2. The work must be sent by the Journal own electronic platform or by the author’s electronic mail to the following electronic e-mails: &

3. The article must be original in English and not exceed 20 (twenty) pages (except in exceptional cases), typed in Word format (.doc or .docx), A4 paper, vertical position, Times New Roman font type, body 12, justified alignment, paragraph with 1.5 line spacing, abstract with single line spacing, paragraph with 1.5cm indentation on the first line, top and left margins = 3 cm, bottom and right margins = 2 cm. The work has to be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and contain: title, name and qualification of the author or authors (training, affiliation, e-mail), abstract (with a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 250 words, and a minimum of three keywords), introduction, development, conclusion, and end-of-text notes. The citations must comply with the norms of the ABNT (NBR 10520/2002), and the numerical references must comply with NBR 6023/2000. In case of use of figures and tables, forward them in a separate file.


GINZBURG, C. O queijo e os vermes: o cotidiano e as ideias de um moleiro perseguido pela inquisição. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1986.


SANTOS, F. R. dos. A colonização da terra do Tucujús. In: História do Amapá, 1 grau. 2. ed. Macapá: Valcan, 1994. Cap. 3, p.15-24.

Article on the internet:

GINZBURG, Jaime. Euclides da Cunha, a Amazônia e a barbárie. Estudos Avançados, São Paulo, v. 24, n. 69, p. 411-416, 2010. Disponível em . Acessadoem 28 de janeirode 2017.

4. Review of literary, theoretical or critical text, which should not exceed five pages and should cover books published in the last 24 months. The formatting should follow the guidelines set forth in item 3

5. The evaluation process will be in two stages: a. adherence to the journal’s editorial line and b. double-blind evaluation. If there is a tie in the opinions, a third party will be requested from an ad hoc appointee.

6. There will be no remuneration for the author’s contribution.

7. It will be up to the publishers of the volume to choose the works that will be published.

8. The works that are in conflict with the provisions of item 3 will be returned to the authors, and after adjustments have been made, they may be forwarded for further evaluation.

9. After publication, the submissions will be understood as licensed exclusively for the Journal. Publication in another space is permitted, only after prior and express authorization and provided the journal is quoted as its original source of publication. Partial citation of the published collaborations is allowed, even without prior authorization, provided the source is identified.

For any further queries please contact,

Posted on January 21, 2020