ASLE Spotlight 2024-25 Lineup and Registration

McIntyre Amy

We are delighted to announce the themes and participants in our 2024-25 ASLE Spotlight series.

Each of our four ASLE Spotlight episodes will feature moderated conversations with ASLE members who have produced new critical and creative work in the environmental humanities. Episodes follow a theme, and highlight publicly engaged scholarship. They will be recorded for later viewing, and posted to ASLE Spotlight and to our Spotlight Channel on YouTube.

Registration is free but required for the live episodes. Priority will be given to ASLE members, ...

Contingent and Independent Scholar Online Speaker Series

McIntyre Amy

To amplify the scholarship, teaching, and activism that contingent faculty and independent scholars bring to our community, ASLE will host a series of online events in 2024 dedicated to the important and broad range of work contingent and independent scholars do.

September 6th (1-2pm EDT) – Roundtable on public humanities by and for contingent and independent scholars. October 3rd (1-2pm EDT) – Roundtable and networking workshop for reading, writing, and research groups to support the professional development and research of contingent/independent scholars. November 1st (3-4pm EDT) ...

Call for Submissions: ASLE Spotlight 2024

McIntyre Amy

ASLE Spotlight is as program that features the range of wonderful work our members continue to produce in the environmental humanities. The series will occur monthly this fall in live video format with audience, and be recorded for viewing afterward. We presently anticipate three or four Spotlight episodes.

The series will provide opportunities for ASLE members to present and discuss new work in a range of ecocritical traditions and literatures, and in the environmental humanities. A committee of current and past ASLE officers will ...

2024 ASLE Symposium, Green Fire: Energy Stories Beyond Extraction

McIntyre Amy


Green Fire: Energy Stories Beyond Extraction ASLE 2024 Symposium University of North Florida May 16-19, 2024

Registration is Now Open, Including a Virtual Option

Register Now Keynote Speakers: Janisse Ray, author of Ecology of a Cracker Childhood, Wild Spectacle, and many others. Heidi C.M. Scott, University of Maryland, author of Fuel: An Ecocritical History, and Chaos and Cosmos: Literary Origins of Modern Ecology in the British Nineteenth Century Kendra Hamilton, Presbyterian College, author of the forthcoming book Romancing the Gullah, and The Goddess of Gumbo: Poems (2006) Green Fire Program Update 4.8.24 (PDF)



Call for Individual and Pre-formed Panel Proposals ...

Welcome from New ASLE Co-Presidents

McIntyre Amy

Dear ASLE Members:

We write today from Anishinaabe Akiing and Tongva territory, respectively. We are thrilled to serve the ASLE community as your new co-Presidents, bringing with us our many years of membership and service to the organization. We aim to continue the excellent work of immediate past presidents George Handley and Gisela Heffes—who planned the first-ever ASLE conference panel in Spanish, among other successful efforts—while implementing several of our own initiatives. As noted in our running statement, we feel compelled by conversations we ...

ASLE Issues Calls for Proposals for MLA 2025

McIntyre Amy

Please welcome our new MLA Liaison for ASLE, Everett Hamner. Everett is Professor of English at Western Illinois University, and is taking over for Clare Echterling, who served ASLE admirably for many years in this role–thanks Clare!

We have issued two CFPs for the 2025 MLA Convention, which will take place January 9-12 in New Orleans, LA:

Panel 1: New Cyborg Manifestos and Natureculture Stories: The Next Forty Years

Guaranteed panel (likely roundtable) sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, with a ...

2024 ASLE Subvention and Translation Grants Open for Submissions

McIntyre Amy

ASLE is pleased to announce that we are now accepting submissions for ASLE Grants proposals. We are providing up to FIVE grants total in 2024 to support EITHER:

Subvention Grants funding innovative projects in ecocriticism and environmental humanities such as art installations, documentary film projects, digital humanities web projects, and book or article publication; Translation Grants funding a translation into English, or from English into other languages, of relevant ecocritical or environmental humanities work that has been previously published. Download PDF REQUIREMENTS AND INFORMATION FOR BOTH GRANTS: Materials ...

Call for Candidates: Elected and Appointed Positions

McIntyre Amy

Updated November 9, 2023: Due to a recent change in bylaws to align the Conference Chair position with our biennial schedule, and a seat vacated by the winner of last year’s Public Engagement Officer election, our usual schedule of electing two EC members per year has been disrupted. Therefore, we are also adding two at-large seats to the candidate call, and extending the deadline for nominations to November 29.  The election will run online from December 1 to December 23, 2023.  Please see ...

ASLE Spotlight 2023-24 Lineup and Registration

McIntyre Amy

We are delighted to announce the themes and participants in our 2023-24 ASLE Spotlight series.

Each of our four ASLE Spotlight episodes will feature moderated conversations with ASLE members who have produced new critical and creative work in the environmental humanities. Episodes follow a theme, and highlight publicly engaged scholarship. They will be recorded for later viewing, and posted to ASLE Spotlight and to our Spotlight Channel on YouTube.

Registration is free but required for the live episodes, and space is limited. Priority will be ...

ASLE Sustainability Town Hall on October 3

McIntyre Amy

Please join us for a virtual Sustainability Town Hall on October 3rd. ASLE commissioned a sustainability audit of the 2023 Conference held in Portland, Oregon this past July. The conference is the ASLE activity with the organization’s largest carbon footprint, which is why it was the focus of the audit.

ASLE’s Sustainability Officer Rebecca Ballard will give a presentation on the data gathered from the sustainability audit, conducted by Climate Stewards, and lead a discussion on the present and future ...

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