Calls for Contributions

Planetary Thinking [ ] Appalachia

Spring 2025 Special Issue of Critical Humanities on Planetary Thinking [ ] Appalachia

In the inaugural issue of the Critical Humanities journal, Puspa Damai notes that the dual focus of the journal is to “foster planetary thinking and…promote discourses of decolonization, democratization and social justice” among individuals and communities on both sides of the North/South divide.This call to “planetary thinking” echoes the focus of Dipesh Chakrabarty’s The Climate of History in a Planetary Age. Focusing specifically on the cognitive shifts fostered by climate sciences ...

Special Issue of the Journal “Terrae Incognitae”: Animals and Exploration

From pack mules, horses and sled dogs to Harry Harlow’s rhesus monkey experiments, the chimpanzee Ham in a Mercury capsule and today’s genetic engineering experiments using lab animals, nonhuman animals have always been exploited to explore outer and inner worlds of interest to humanity. However, they themselves, as sentient agents, also exhibit curiosity and other emotions in relation to their own explorations.

Terrae Incognitae, the journal of exploration and cross-cultural interaction, is announcing a call for papers for a special issue on animal explorers, ...

Exeter Studies in Environmental Humanities. Past, Present and Future Econarratives


Series editors: Professor Peggy Karpouzou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Dr. Nikoleta Zampaki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Editorial Advisory Board: Marco Armiero, Mieke Bal, Dominic Boyer, Jeff Diamanti, Vicki Kirby, Nina Lykke, Orsola Rignani, Scott Slovic, Imre Szeman, Robert T. Tally Jr.

Exeter Studies in Environmental Humanities: Past, Present and Future Econarratives provides a forum for innovative scholarship in Environmental Humanities, encompassing critical strands and interdisciplinary approaches to literary, ethical and socio-political explorations ...

language and the Environment Intersections of Ecolinguistics, Education, and Technology in Environmental Discourse

Project Description and scope:

Several key trends are emerging at the intersection of language and environmental issues in contemporary research. These trends encompass the study of how language shapes sustainable behaviors and influences the feasibility of pro-environmental actions. A particular focus is placed on the power of language in promoting green narratives, enhancing the restoration and preservation of water resources and ecosystems, and teaching language skills for effective environmental communication.

In the scholarly domain, we extend an invitation for contributions to an imminent collaborative publication ...

Collection of Essays: Forgotten Spaces: Ecocriticism, Social Justice, and the U.S. South

The U.S. South is often a forgotten space within ecocritical discussions, yet it provides fruitful ground for thinking about environmental issues. In 2019, in the first edited collection of essays on the topic, Zachary Vernon notes that focusing attention on this bioregion might help “provide a way out of the limitations of thinking too locally or too globally,” and it might inspire a group of stakeholders to come to the table as well (7). One problem with ecocritical approaches is the long history ...

Plant Studies in Indian Literature

Introduction Indian literature is a rich and diverse tapestry woven from the threads of countless languages, cultures, traditions, and encompasses a vast array of literary forms, genres, and themes, reflecting the complex tapestry of Indian society, its history, spirituality, and cultural heritage. From the ancient Vedas to contemporary works exploring modern Indian identity, Indian literature offers a window into the soul of a nation characterized by its diversity and complexity. Stretching back thousands of years, Indian literature is marked by its pluralism and inclusivity, ...


PMLA invites submissions for the special topic Environmental Humanities in Practice.

What is the affordance of literature for the environmental humanities as practiced in various cultural contexts? What constellations of practices in the environmental humanities emerge from its incubation as a scholarly, theoretical, and critical paradigm, specifically through the politics of literary representation and literature’s salience for both pedagogical and activist projects? What literary modes, including experimental ones such as speculative climate fiction, have provided key points of intervention for the practice of the ...

Translating with the Earth: Gender, Feminism and Eco-Translation

We would like to invite contributions to the inaugural special issue of the journal Feminist Translation Studies (Routledge) on “Translating with the Earth: Gender, Feminism and Eco-Translation”

Submit at:

Abstracts of up to 500 words (excluding references) for academic articles should be sent to the guest editors at and by 15 May 2024. Please include your name, affiliation, key words and references.

Decisions on abstracts will be announced in June 2024.

Expected publication date: July 2025.

Call for Submissions:

Intersections between gender, feminism and environmental issues have been explored in Western scholarship for ...

Ecokritike: a newly launched online and open access journal

Ecokritike is an international, open access, blind and double peer-review journal for academics and researchers who study the fields of Environmental Humanities, Literary Theory and Cultural Criticism. The journal seeks to explore issues beyond the traditional binary and complex relationship of nature-culture, and also examines the changing status of subjectivity, agency, and citizenship, while envisioning matters for sustainable futures in a more-than-human world.

e-ISSN: 3034-9214 Publication Frequency: two issues a year (February and September) The abbreviated title of Ecokritike is Eke.

Submissions’ Guidelines:

ARIEL Special Issue on Decolonizing Asian Diasporic Ecocriticism

ARIEL Special Issue Call for Papers: Decolonizing Asian Diasporic Ecocriticism

Guest Editors: Emily Yu Zong, Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University Jeffrey Santa Ana, Associate Professor, Stony Brook University

In Decolonial Ecology, Malcom Ferdinand argues that modernity has wrought a double crisis: environmental devastation by capitalist and technocratic forces, and colonial legacies of Western imperialism marked by systemic racism and Indigenous erasure. This double crisis helps us to see that human emancipation alone cannot be the only goal in envisioning a decolonial future. Rather, a world that ...

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