Environmental Humanities Book Series

Deadline: ongoing
Contact: Prof Peggy Karpouzou and Nikoleta Zampaki
Email: nikzamp@phil.uoa.gr

The Environmental Humanities Series highlights innovative scholarship at the interface of literary and cultural studies about the concepts of environment, nature, subjectivity, and species, by examining the intersections between the human and non-human life forms, their changing status, and their role within the natural world. Given the rapid transformations and technological developments of the Anthropocene, we need to conceive new narratives beyond the binary of anthropocentrism/eco-centrism. At the centre of this binary, the Environmental Humanities Series is interested in new narratives about living on a planet undergoing tremendous flux, uncertainty, and precarity due to environmental change and its multiple dimensions.

Proposals are invited in the range of topics covered by Environmental Studies and Ecocriticism, including but not limited to works informed by cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approaches, such as literary theory, ecopoetics, cultural studies, philosophy, environmental justice, animal studies, plant studies, energy humanities, and petrocultures, eco-theology, and religious studies, narrative studies, disability studies, medical humanities, gender studies, digital humanities, visual and media studies, environmental aesthetics, eco-aesthetics, art, environmental materialities and textualities, indigenous studies, educational studies, social studies, anthropology, eco-psychology, environmental communication and information management, multicultural environmentalism, and postcolonial studies. The Environmental Humanities Series seeks to foster an ongoing dialogue between academics and scholars across the globe by featuring monographs, handbooks, and edited collections exploring various narratives, raised by the intersections between the species and their role in shaping a more sustainable future.

Prospective authors may get in touch with the series editors for further discussion as they prepare and submit their book proposals.

Series Editors:

Prof Peggy Karpouzou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, E-mail: pkarpouzou@phil.uoa.gr
Nikoleta Zampaki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, E-mail: nikzamp@phil.uoa.gr


Posted on February 21, 2022