Honors Environmental Biology

Professor: Gary Bryner and Sam Rushforth
Institution: n/a
Course Number: 324/344R

Schedule for Honors 324/344R, Environmental Biology,
Fall Semester, 1992

Tuesdays, Thursdays, 3:00-5:00, 250 MSRB
Gary Bryner, 720 SWKT, 378-3276
Sam Rushforth, 449 WIDB, 378-2438

Miller, G.T. Living in the Enviromnent
Fromm, E. To Have or to Be
Leopold, A. A Sand County Almanac
Berry, W. The Unsettling of America
Lopez, B. Rediscovery of North America
Ornstein and Ehrlich New World, New Mind
Various authors Poetry Reader

Miller’s book is the designated text for the class. This book will support classroom discussions and lectures. The book is excellent, up-to-date and accessible. We expect you to keep up with your assigned readings in this text.

The other books are excellent supplements to our classroom work. We expect you to read them carefully and to prepare a thoughtful paper on each. These papers must not be longer than 3 double-spaced typewritten pages and each must be turned in on the due date (see the schedule below). Late papers will be severely penalized. Each paper you write should address a specificquestion or idea generated by your reading. We are not looking for a typical book report or a review of the reading. We expect original thinking and writing. If you have questions concerning your topic or writing contact one of us. Each paper will be carefully read and graded. Each will be worth 20 points, and you will be allowed to rewrite them if you are not satisfied with your original score. One of our goals in this class is to encourage good thinking and writing.

We feel strongly that we would like to link our lecturing and discussion with the real world. Because of this, we are asking class members to undertake several projects, each project will be something to make a difference for Earth. Class projects will include an outreach program to local public schools; fundraising for UNICEF, Sub-for-Santa, and other activities; Utah wilderness legislation; and the class expedition in the spring of 1993.   Participation in class projects will be worth 100 points.

The midterm and final exams will each be worth 50 points. So, recognize that writing the papers for our course and participating in class projects are both worth the same as the two exams.

We are planning to take field trips during each semester as part of the study of wilderness areas in Utah. Details of these trips will be developed during the first week of classes.

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