
November 26, 2019

In Memoriam: Dr. Annette Kolodny, 1941-2019

McIntyre Amy

By Amy Hamilton, Northern Michigan University

Dr. Annette Kolodny, a leading voice in Early American literary studies and a founding ecofeminist scholar, died on September 11, 2019 at her home in Tucson, Arizona. Dr. Kolodny’s work has inspired countless ASLE members, and she was also a friend, teacher, and mentor to many of us in the field. Her loss will be deeply felt.

She received her BA from Brooklyn College, CUNY in 1962, and her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1969. In ...

Teaching the Literature of Climate Change

Teaching the Literature of Climate Change Now that we are two decades into the twenty-first century, courses that thematize the literature of climate change have become more and more popular and more of an ethical imperative to teach. Students today need to understand the global environmental devastation they will inherit, and the literary imagination uniquely addresses such consequences as warming temperatures, desertification, sea-level rise, climate refugees, the spread of disease, and the collapse of our biome. With the proliferation of novels, short stories, poems, ...