
July 4, 2023

NeMLA CFP – Radical Kinship: Interspecies Ontologies Beyond Productivity

In Jean-Baptiste Del Amo’s Animalia, set on a pig farm, a pivotal moment occurs when the unnamed human mother, “Genetrix,” feeds her stillborn fetus to a sow, eventually leading the latter to devour her own offspring. The accidental reversal of the roles of the eater and the eaten, described in this scene, not only exposes the fragile systems of (re)production that rely on the gendered exploitation of bodies but also challenges the anthropocentric human/nonhuman animal polarity. Recently, works such as Denis Cote’s documentary ...

Deadline Extended: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Music and the Environment

Impact: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning based at Boston University is currently soliciting essays for a special issue on the intersection of music and the environment. The issue is scheduled for online publication in January 2024. Submissions across all academic disciplines are welcome. We welcome, too, contributions from musicians and individuals working in the music industry. We are particularly interested in the ways musicians, composers, lyricists, and audiences have addressed or responded to environmental concerns. Contributors can focus ...