ASLE 2021: Virtual Meetings and Programming, Book Award Postponement

McIntyre Amy
ASLE in 2021: Virtual Meeting

ASLE members have long nurtured a close-knit community that cares deeply about one another and cherish the opportunity to gather with one another in person for sharing ideas, camaraderie, and laughter. The conference, for ASLE, has provided much more than an opportunity to add a line to a CV, and been a collegial “meeting of the minds, hearts, and bodies” in places our conference site teams have labored to share generously and make stronger in our time together, and ...

Statement Responding to Attacks on Critical Race Theory

McIntyre Amy

The Executive Branch of the United States government has recently tried to defund any initiative that involves critical race theory. It has also threatened to withhold federal funding from schools that incorporate The 1619 Project of the New York Times into their curriculum. In light of these attacks, ASLE takes this opportunity to affirm critical approaches to race, enslavement, and settler-colonialism as central to the study of nature writing, environmental literature, and ecomedia. We further affirm Africana, Latinx, Asian American, and Native American and Indigenous ...

ISLE Evolves toward Online-Only Format

McIntyre Amy

ISLE, ASLE’s flagship journal of ecocritical research and environmental writing, has been published since 1993. For sixteen years the journal appeared only in traditional paper format. When ASLE joined forces with Oxford University Press (OUP) in 2008, the back issues of ISLE were scanned and made available in an online archive, and all issues since 2009 have been published in a combined print and online format. At present, there are 77 issues of ISLE available online, including the most recent: issue 27.2/Spring 2020.

We ...

ASLE 2020 Grant Recipients Announced

McIntyre Amy

We are thrilled to announce the following ASLE grant recipients for 2020. Three Translation Grants and two Subvention Grants were awarded to these worthy projects.

Funding for ASLE grants come, in large part, from members and supporters like you. Donate today to support innovative scholarship and research.

Translation Grants

The Elephant Dance Andrew Wisindi’s project involves the translation of a novel, The Elephant Dance, a prose fiction written by Henry ole Kulet from Kenya, published in English by Longhorn Publishers (Kenya) in 2016. The project will translate ...

ASLE Launches EcoCast Podcast Series

McIntyre Amy

ASLE is pleased to announce the launch of its first official podcast series: ASLE EcoCast is Environmental Conversations On Creative Art, Scholarship, and Teaching. Hosted by members Brandon Galm and Jemma Deer, this show will feature interviews and conversations with a diverse range of scholars, artists and teachers doing work that falls under the preview of ASLE’s vision. Episodes will be released monthly, on podbean, apple podcasts and lyceum. You can also find them posted here at the ASLE Website under the Stay ...

Humanities on the Brink: Energy, Environment, Emergency, ASLE 2020 Virtual Symposium

McIntyre Amy
Conference Website (though the symposium has concluded, talks are now archived for public viewing)

A fire consumes the National Museum of Brazil, 2018. In addition to destroying countless artifacts, the fire claimed records of many Indigenous languages that are no longer spoken. Photo by Felipe Milanez.

A Nearly Carbon Neutral Virtual Symposium

Sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment and the University of California, Santa Barbara

July 10-31, 2020

Humanities On the BRINK Program  (PDF)

Symposium Schedule

July 10: The symposium begins. All panels ...

A Message from the New Editors of ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment

McIntyre Amy

Christina Gerhardt

Jennifer Westerman

We are honored to serve as the new Editors of ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment and are energized by the opportunity to advance scholarship and thinking in the environmental humanities. From 1995 to 2020, retiring Editor Scott Slovic steadfastly guided the journal’s development in tandem with the emerging and now thriving fields of ecocriticism and environmental humanities. We are grateful to Scott for his many years of commitment to the journal, especially for his expansive ...

A Tribute to Scott Slovic, ISLE Editor, 1995-2020

McIntyre Amy

Scott Slovic, editor of ASLE’s journal Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (ISLE) for the past 25 years, was able to join EcoCast hosts Jemma Deer and Brandon Galm on June 24, 2020, to discuss his career, environmental studies past and future, and his upcoming retirement from the position. EcoCast is a new ASLE podcast that will launch in July.  Hear the interview here:



Scott Slovic, photo by Susan Bender

“Who has the tape gun?” Richard bellows. “I think Alicia had it,” Masami ...

Free Articles from ISLE: Social and Environmental Justice

McIntyre Amy
ISLE Responds to the Call for Social and Environmental Justice

Editor-in-Chief Scott Slovic and incoming Editors-in-Chief Jennifer Westerman and Christina Gerhardt have curated a collection of articles responding to the call for social and environmental justice. These articles are freely available to read and download through the end of the year (December 31, 2020) via Oxford University Press:

Since its inception in the early 1990s, ISLE has sought to provide a forum for the representation and analysis of vital issues of social and environmental justice. Equity, ...

In Solidarity, in Sadness, and in Hope

McIntyre Amy

ASLE stands unified in solidarity with our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color members, and all BIPOC people. We join with thousands worldwide who demand justice for those who have had their lives taken by police violence and other forms of officially or tacitly state-sanctioned white supremacy. We mourn for the murder victims, we grieve with the bereaved, we vow to work for systemic change.

In a country where the long and lethal legacies of settler colonialism and racial capitalism remain widely unexamined and ...