
August 18, 2023


Ponce de Leon Alejandro

By R. Sreejith Varma, Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2023.

Reading Contemporary Environmental Justice: Narratives from Kerala investigates 11 contemporary environmental justice narratives from Kerala, the south-western state in India. Introducing a detailed review of environmental literature in Malayalam, the selected eco-narratives are presented through two key literary genres: life narratives and novels, conveying the socio-environmental pressures, problems, and anxieties of modern, globalizing Kerala. This text also entails primary investigations of ‘toxic fictions’ and ‘extractivist fictions,’ including Malayalam novels that narrate the disastrous consequences of the ...


CFP: Special Issue of Interconnections: journal of posthumanism

A growing body of contemporary fiction and film, along with more political and practical networks, such as zines, conferences, and writing collectives, engage with fungal discourses to think about the porous and permeable limits of bodies, to reconsider our relationship with space, time, death and decay, and to imagine novel ways of perceiving, living, and resisting power. What is perhaps most attractive to this novel spatial concurrence of politics, ontologies, and knowledge lies in the fungi’s ...

Transgender Cli-Fi and Sci-Fi

Chapter proposals are invited for an edited book on transgender cli-fi and sci-fi. We welcome chapters examining climate fiction and science fiction novels, short stories, YA literature, graphic novels, comics, films, television, games, material culture, and other media. We have confirmed contributors from a dozen countries on six continents.

Interested authors should submit a 300-word abstract, a 200-word biography, and a sample of a previously published chapter or article to the Dropbox folder at no later than September 1, 2023.

A sampling of confirmed contributors includes:

“Towards a Latin ...