
September 5, 2023

Bibliophilia: Book Matters

In December 2024, the bilingual online journal Interfaces will issue a volume on the relation between the book, its materials and the lifeforms of the non-human world. It welcomes papers (in English or in French) showcasing the book as ecomedia that can be explored from the perspective of ecocritical intermediality (Bruhn). The theme of this volume will also reflect the environmental and ecocritical turn in art history (Anderson et al.; Patrizio), and it may prompt theoretical forays into media archaeology (Huhtamo and Parikka). ...

Leakage: Inaugural Conference of STSING

Inaugural Conference of stsing TU Dresden, Germany March 19-22, 2024

Confirmed Keynote speakers: Nerea Calvillo (Warwick University) Amade M’charek (University of Amsterdam) Thao Phan (Monash University, Melbourne)

Leakage reveals cracks and holes; it signifies porosity, the transgression of a boundary, and a rebuke to fantasies of closure and containment. Unlike a sudden spill or a violent burst, leaks are sites of a slow and steady subversion. They corrode and accumulate over time, calling for a reckoning with temporalities of latency and a readjustment of perceptual scales. Leaks are evidence of ...