ASLE Welcomes Newly Elected Vice President and Executive Council Members


Sarah Jaquette Ray

We are pleased to announce the winners of our recent officer elections. Sarah Jaquette Ray (Humboldt State University) will serve as the 2015-16 Vice President. Sarah’s many contributions to ASLE include serving as an ASLE Graduate Student Liaison from 2009-2011 and as host of the 2012 ASLE off-year symposium “Environment, Culture and Place in a Rapidly Changing North” at the University of Southeast Alaska in Juneau, Alaska. In addition, Sarah has for the past two years served on the ASLE Executive Council (EC).

Sarah will be joined by two newly elected EC members-at-large who will serve three-year terms, Elizabeth Dodd (Kansas State University), and Stephen Rust (University of Oregon, Oregon State University). We welcome Heather Houser (University of Texas, Austin) to the EC as well. Heather has been appointed to a one-year term to complete the EC responsibilities of our new Vice President, Sarah Jaquette Ray. We are fortunate to have the experience, intelligence, and leadership of Sarah, Elizabeth, Steven, and Heather on the ASLE leadership team. We are also grateful for the talented candidates who ran for office but were not elected this time around, Heather Sullivan, Nicole Seymour, and Laura Gray-Street.


Elizabeth Dodd


Heather Houser


Stephen Rust






We extend special thanks to the ASLE officers whose terms officially end in 2014. Paul Outka deftly and thoughtfully guided us for three years as Vice President, President, and Immediate Past President and (in collaboration with site host and current EC member Byron Caminero-Santangelo) was responsible for organizing our successful tenth biennial conference at the University of Kansas. In addition to Paul, Christoph Irmscher (our 2011 ASLE Conference host) and Stephanie LeMenager complete their three year terms on the Executive Committee this year and ASLE owes both of them our gratitude for their service.

We are privileged to have such thoughtful and engaged people guiding our association and we look forward to the contributions of our newly elected officers.