Wet feet? Flooding, resilience and the climate crisis (online conference)

Wet feet? Flooding, resilience and the climate crisis (online conference)

Organisers: Gemma Curto and Juliet de Little, University of Sheffield

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Dr Kate Smith (University of Hull)

Dr Katie Ritson (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich)

Generously sponsored by the Sheffield Water Centre, The University of Sheffield

Conference: 9am – 3pm, 19 May 2021 [itinerary in BST/GMT+1]

Register by 19 April 2021:


About the event:

The conference will be held on the 19th May 2021, with access to posted papers available for one week before and after the conference. Please note: conference attendees must watch the panels in the week prior to the conference; on the conference day (19th May 2021) there will be live discussions about the presentations. It is free and open to all, but please conference delegates, including all speakers, register for the conference via Eventbrite by 19th April using this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wet-feet-flood-resilience-and-the-climate-crisis-tickets-136599660261, or you will be unable to access the conference. Attendees will be sent a link to join the conference’s site and speakers’ talks, hosted by the University of Sheffield.

Papers will engage with our main theme of conceptualisations of flooding; including flood resilience and impacts of climate change on flooding and water flow. This includes: how floods are depicted in contemporary narratives in a variety of forms and media as means as reflecting climate change; how social practices, policy and governance influence and shape flooding as well as our responses to them. Wet feet? Flooding, resilience and the climate crisis will take an interdisciplinary approach to the aforementioned theme in societies and academia.

Feel free to get in touch (Juliet – jmdelittle1@sheffield.ac.uk and Gemma – g.curto@sheffield.ac.uk) if you have any questions or technical issues.